Larapinta Trail Walk 2004

Animals and Plants

Large fauna wasn't overly abundant, but at times quite exiting. For example, various marsupials... Jan/4024 Jan/5001 Jan/5002 Ron/S1_Blackfooted_rockwallaby 0766

Jan/5008 Jan/5010 Ron/splendid_wren Jan/2033 ... birds...

... trees... Marie/0165 Marie/0167 Marie/0169 0703

Jan/5018 0776 Jan/6018 Jan/6008 Jan/2013 Jan/2030 ... scrubs and small plants, many of them in flower thanks to recent rain

... the unique palms of Palm Valley... Jan/7008 Ron/palmvalley2

... and many other plants, often small and easy to overlook, but contributing to the unique desert flora. Ron/S2_cycad Ron/S2_Eremophila_longifolia_weeping_emu_bush Ron/S2_Ptilotus_spp Ron/S2_Senna_artemisioides Marie/0217 Marie/0229 Ron/S5_Nardoo