Larapinta Trail Walk 2004

The Larapinta Mob

0989 Penny, Stephen, Trudy, Anne, Karen, Bob (behind), Ron, Marie, Jan, Gernot

0623 We get started on our Larapinta adventure: Karen, Stephen, Mary, Trudy, Bob, Penny with Ron behind her, Jan and Gernot taking the picture. We pick up our day packs and leave our camping packs on the car; Penny together with Anne will be driving it to our camping destination.

0791 0792 While normally carrying day packs, Day 6 requires overnight packs. Early in the morning we are picking up our big packs and are ready to start off the 2-day walk. On the left, Marie and Ron (who will start the section from the other end and will meet us at camp in the evening) watch the others (Jan, Gernot, Trudy, Bob and Karen in the left picture, Stephen, Gernot and Karen in the right picture) getting their (today much heavier) packs ready.

0629 Some like to take a shortcut right at the beginnning: Ron waiting for the next train.

0668 0985 0986 Trudy experiencing knee problems sets her hopes on a magic pair of spring-loaded poles. Later she is comforted for the calendar ticking over yet again...

0944 0938 0939 Trudy went overboard here trying to make up for Gernot rarely appearing in his own pictures...

We mostly walk behind each other, following the track closely in order to avoid unnecessary impact on the environment. But frequently the ground is so rough and rocky that any ever so slightly imprinted path is a welcome aid for walking and navigation. 0637063407470808062706330823083606740642

Along the way, we are hitting some major — quite literal — milestones:

Camping together is competing strongly with walking in this remote area for the prime spot in our hearts:
0660 Ron/S5_hugh_gorge 0932 066206780679068609280929093108560958

Lunch, while it might always have been highly appreciated, frequently often was bedded not on roses but on rocks!

Logistics: we not only had a dedicated driver in Penny, but also a professional stower in Jan:
07780677076008310832 09160988 Jan/6015
And it all works best in front of an appreciative audience0987

Our trip had the whole gammut: walking, camping, cultural events with the local community, communal ritual feet washing, ...
0843 0853 0986 0878